JsonWebKey represents a JSON Web Key as defined in RFC 7517.

interface RSAJWKPrivate {
    alg?: "RS256";
    d: string;
    dp: string;
    dq: string;
    e: string;
    key_ops?: KeyOps[];
    kid?: string;
    kty: "RSA";
    n: string;
    p: string;
    q: string;
    qi: string;
    use?: "sig" | "enc";

Hierarchy (View Summary)



alg?: "RS256"
d: string

The "d" (private exponent) parameter contains the private exponent value for the RSA private key.

dp: string

The "dp" (first factor CRT exponent) parameter contains the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent of the first factor.

dq: string

The "dq" (second factor CRT exponent) parameter contains the CRT exponent of the second factor.

e: string

The "e" (exponent) parameter contains the exponent value for the RSA public key.

key_ops?: KeyOps[]
kid?: string

The kid (key ID) parameter is used to match a specific key. Recommended that kid is set to the fingerprint of the public key.

kty: "RSA"
n: string

The "n" (modulus) parameter contains the modulus value for the RSA public key.

p: string

The "p" (first prime factor) parameter contains the first prime factor.

q: string

The "q" (second prime factor) parameter contains the second prime factor.

qi: string

The "qi" (first CRT coefficient) parameter contains the CRT coefficient of the second factor.

use?: "sig" | "enc"