interface ECJWK {
    alg?: "ES256" | "ES384" | "ES512" | "ES256K";
    crv: "P-256" | "P-384" | "P-521" | "secp256k1";
    key_ops?: KeyOps[];
    kid?: string;
    kty: "EC";
    use?: "sig" | "enc";
    x: string;
    y: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


alg?: "ES256" | "ES384" | "ES512" | "ES256K"
crv: "P-256" | "P-384" | "P-521" | "secp256k1"
key_ops?: KeyOps[]
kid?: string

The kid (key ID) parameter is used to match a specific key. Recommended that kid is set to the fingerprint of the public key.

kty: "EC"
use?: "sig" | "enc"
x: string

The parameter "x" MUST be present and contain the public key encoded using the base64url [RFC4648] encoding.

y: string

The parameter "y" MUST be present and contain the public key encoded using the base64url [RFC4648] encoding.